
SUSIE® S2000 – Advanced Nursing Care Patient Simulator and SLE Educational Package

Package: S2000.PK

SUSIE is an advanced, wireless and tetherless patient simulator and learning resource solution designed to facilitate the delivery of effective and realistic simulation learning experiences to nursing learners of all levels. SUSIE includes everything you need for rapid integration into your nursing curricula in one easy-to-use package.

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SUSIE® – Clinical Nursing Patient Simulator
Model: S2000
Perfect for both skills training and clinical simulation experiences.
SUSIE is realistic and completely wireless and tetherless. These great features enable you to deliver competency-building exercises in the skills lab and realistic clinical experiences in nearly all the environments where nursing care takes place.
A Complete Solution Built For
Achieving Outcome-Focused Success
Includes 10 Nursing Simulation Learning Experiences (SLEs), facilitator’s companion guide, and tablet PC.
Gaumard Nursing Simulation Learning Experiences
The Gaumard Nursing Simulation Learning Experiences (SLEs) provide a learning resource comprised of 10 outcome-focused scenarios designed to replicate a clinical situation. Each comes complete with a detailed facilitator’s guide for setting up, planning, and facilitating the learning experience.
  • Acetaminophen Overdose / Liver Failure
  • Acute Myocardial Infarction – Level 2
  • ARDS Secondary to MVC – Level 2
  • COPD Exacerbation – Level 2
  • Diabetic Ketoacidosis
  • Fluid and Electrolyte Imbalance – Level 2
  • Heart Failure – Level 2
  • Pneumonia – Level 2
  • Potential Cervical Carcinoma
  • Sepsis – Level 2
Each Nursing SLE includes the following
key features:
  • Purpose of the SLE
  • Evidence-based rationale for the topic
  • Learning objectives of the SLE
  • Competencies addressed
  • Psycho-motor skills needed for successful participation
  • Patient’s medical history
  • Supplies needed for the scenario
  • Provider’s orders
  • Pre-briefing report to be given to students
  • Scenario timeline with facilitator cues
  • Scenario flowchart
Each Nursing SLE is mapped to the outcomes expected of nursing program graduates.
  • NCLEX-RN® Test Blueprint
  • BSN Essentials
  • QSEN competencies
  • IPEC core competencies

Speak as SUSIE and listen to the provider’s responses via wireless streaming voice. Illustrate seizures, eye dilation, reactivity, and blink rate.

Normal and abnormal airway, heart, lung, and bowel sounds.

Bilateral IV access for bolus and/or infusion training. Shoulder and thigh IM sites.

Practice tracheostomy care procedures, including cleaning and cannula insertion safely.

Supports nasogastric feeding and suctioning using real fluids.

Attach real ECG electrodes and monitor rhythms in real-time. Capture, cardiovert, and pace using a real defibrillator and pads.

Blood pressure can be taken using a BP cuff, palpation, or auscultation methods

Control oxygen saturation in real-time, while learners measure and monitor using a real pulse oximeter.

Control oxygen saturation in real-time, while learners measure and monitor using a real pulse oximeter.

Interchangeable normal and abnormal uteri and cervices simulate various pathologies and stages in pregnancy

7 Lifelike interchangeable breasts allow the practice of detecting and evaluating various pathologies

Interchangeable male/female genitalia allows catheterization; rectum supports enemas and removing intestinal fluids introduced via NG tube

Unified Simulator Control Software
UNI offers you intuitive patient controls, real-time monitoring, and automatic event tracking, making simulation simple and effective.

Optimized For Ease of Use
The UNI touchscreen interface lets you quickly and easily adjust vital sign parameters with just a few taps.

Preprogrammed Scenario Library
UNI includes 10 Nursing SLEs, along with an in-depth guide designed to help you deliver the most effective learning experiences possible.

Scenario Designer
Create your own scenarios quickly and easily and share them with other UNI users.

Lab Report Designer
Generate and share simulated diagnostic lab results to enhance case fidelity and participant involvement.

Built-in Virtual Patient Monitor
Displays real-time vitals like a real patient monitor including ECG, HR, RR, BP, and much more.

eCPR™ Real-time Monitoring
Monitor rate and compression depth, no-flow time, ventilation rate, and excessive ventilation; smart trainer features vocal cues and generates performance reports.

Time-stamped Event Recording And Reporting
The automated event tracking and interaction recorder ensures important events are always captured so you can focus on the action.

Free Software Updates
Always stay up to date and benefit from new UNI features at no additional cost.

Upgrades and Accessories

Enhance the learning experience with these innovative accessories and options.
Gaumard Virtual Patient Monitor
Add the new Gaumard Virtual Patient Monitor to enhance the learning experience. The Gaumard Virtual Patient Monitor provides real-time parameters including heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and much more. Train participants on vital signs interpretation and documentation to improve planning and decision-making skills.
  • SUSIE S2000 Patient Simulator
  • Tablet PC preloaded with UNI® and 10 SLEs
  • Consumables
  • User guide
  • Transport case