In 2015, AKRA started to operate in the field of medical simulation by expanding its field of work with the influence of its founding partners. It has been marketing Patient Simulators, Surgical Simulators, Virtual Reality Simulators, Mockups and Anatomical Models for health education for over 5 years. Users across the country add a surplus value to education by using brand products represented by the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing Faculties, Health Sciences Faculties, Military, Emergency Medical Service Organizations, Large Education Research Hospitals and Non-Governmental Organizations.
Virtual Procedure Simulation Training for Healthcare Professionals Supporting ten years of interactive education development, mySmartHealthcare® offers a library of evidence-based clinical skill simulations that include cases and require critical thinking. The simulations focus on core skills and core competence development through highly interactive and powerfully interactive simulations that require decision making. The simulation strategy can be distributed over the web or as a standalone version. Simulations include Micro Learning opportunities focusing on key steps of various procedures. Additionally, there are portable Haptic simulators. These simulators allow you to have a more lively experience. All simulations provide data analysis and can be integrated with any platform or system. These quality, affordable solutions will help reduce error rates, improve infection control and greatly improve your patient safety and quality care initiatives. The blended learning strategy enables organizations to develop or validate core skills and quantify their results. This will increase safety and proficiency during the journey, while saving valuable time before the use of mannequins and task instructors or continuing to labs.